QR VIDA is a product serie that allows any mobile phone user with a QR reader app to access data for a person during emergency situations or in case of an accident. This way, both emergency crews and users who are helping can get instant access to information that can save a person’s life such as blood type, medical history, allergies, emergency contacts, among others.
QR VIDA is a project that has a huge potencial, and as it gains presence in society it gets higher growth expectations. Under these circumstances Gabitel group has decided to be involved in this project and currently manages and coordinates its distribution.
In the next months QR VIDA is going to be inmersed in a transformation process that has already begun, which consists in achieving a closer and more accesible product, which usefulness will rise at the same time people can identify it and know how it works. Besides QR VIDA is intended to be a starting point of a lot of projects that will take part of R&D&I department of the company, which are focused on using last wireless tecnologies for multiple purposes, such as positioning, traceability control, network element identification… For all these projects, Gabitel group’s high professionalism can be a bridge to success.