Since its inception, Gabitel Ingenieros has had a multidisciplinary team that includes an Environment Department, which contributes to making our projects more sustainable and respectful of the environment, providing the best technical solutions to our clients.

In our environmental policy, we have embodied our commitment to protecting the environment, and preventing and reducing pollution. We want to make this commitment effective, going one step further and contributing to the objectives of environmental education with a series of publications that our colleagues from the environment department will carry out periodically.

And what better day than today to start this section. Today is the day of environmental education. This world day has its origin in the United Nations Conference on the Environment held in Stockholm in June 1972, the result of which was three years later, the publication of the Charter of Belgrade, in which the fundamental demands of education are reflected. environmental

The Belgrade Charter establishes the goal of Environmental Education “to form a world population that is aware and concerned with the environment and associated problems, and that has knowledge, aptitude, attitude, motivation and commitment to work individually and collectively in the search for solutions to existing problems and to prevent new ones ”.

We often feel that so many environmental problems are very complex and that our individual actions do nothing to solve them. But it is precisely our individual actions that can solve many of these problems. In this series of publications we will show you how the solution to different environmental problems is in everyone’s hands in a simple and affordable way.

Our next publication will be next January 28, world day for the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Stay tuned to our social networks, and don’t forget the maxim of environmental education: think globally, act locally!
