Since 2012, the joint venture formed by GABITEL INGENIEROS and INGENIEROS EMETRES, S.L.P. – IM3 – has been providing ENDESA’s MV/LV Engineering Support Services in Western Andalusia and Extremadura. In this way, our scope of action includes the provinces of Badajoz, Huelva and Seville, where we provide support to ENDESA in all processes related to New Supplies, Grid Operation and Legalisation of Installations. With regard to HV, our company has also collaborated in important projects within the ENDESA Group, both for electrical substations and transmission lines.

Endesa Distribución’s MV/LV Engineering Services in Western and Central Andalusia.

Engineering, management and legalisation services for low voltage electrical installations in DPCs.

Design and projects of LV/MV electrical installations for mobile telephony stations.

Engineering and project management for the installation of a generator set in Seville.